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  1. TanGzkie

    Helloooooo 😅

    Hello bro , Enjoy your'e stay here :)
  2. TanGzkie


    Yes we all be friends here bro... enjoy your'e stay and invite your'e friends here :)
  3. TanGzkie

    Keep calm And Learn :)

    Keep calm And Learn :)
  4. TanGzkie


    Hello miex23 :) , Enjoy your'e stay..
  5. TanGzkie


    A warm welcome Erick !... Enjoy your'e stay...
  6. TanGzkie

    newbie here...

    Hello sir... Enjoy you're stay :)
  7. TanGzkie


    Hello bro (y)
  8. TanGzkie

    Tips Forum Light and Dark mode

    Mod edit: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for this: Click it and choose the theme you want.
  9. TanGzkie


    Hello :)
  10. TanGzkie


    Hello and welcome 😀
  11. TanGzkie

    Tutorials : jQUery,Php,MySqL

    I can help with those kind of PL :) ..
  12. TanGzkie


    Hello guys. :D
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