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EZ Notes - Simple Voice Notes v11.2.0 [Ƥrem̋ı̣ꭎm] [Mod]


Well-known Netizen
May 12, 2021
EZ Notes - Simple Voice Notes v11.2.0 [Ƥrem̋ı̣ꭎm] [Mod]
Requirements: 4.4+
Overview: EZ Notes is the Ultimate Mobility voice notes organizer for note taking on-the-fly using lightning fast voice notes & more! Our niche "Hands-Free" voice notes are far easier and better suited for modern urban mobile note taking demands.


EZ Notes is a feature-rich, device efficient, non-invasive, and cybersecurity oriented note taking app. We eliminate all privacy-threatening permissions (and gimmicky Sync features) used by "free" note taking organizers to profit off of their user's identity and privacy. EZ notes is also a voice notes organizer that provides complete control over which voice notes, how often, and which services, customers prefer using for Backup, Transfer, and Sharing of voice notes. EZ Notes is helping Thousands of worldwide note taking clients enjoy lightning-fast daily voice notes. Install EZ Notes today and benefit from our extremely useful, ultra-fast, and comprehensive (all-in-one) custom voice notes organizer.

voice notes demo: - YouTube

voice notes benefits:
• Add voice notes, organize voice notes, set voice notes reminders & share voice notes using EZ Notes. Pressed for time? Record a voice memo using our on-the-fly voice notes.
• Easily plan meetings by sharing voice notes via powerful cross-app compatibilities: Email, Facebook, G+, Hangouts, etc. EZ Notes also provides S-pen note taking (courtesy of "Markers" by Daniel Sandler) for collaborating homework notes and sketched notes.
• Find voice notes easily. EZ Folders are a bonus for organizing voice notes. Search voice notes by "Priority Colors." Our "EZ Undo" instantly recovers up to 10 voice notes (not just 1 voice note). The Trash Bin stores all deleted voice notes.
• EZ Notes keeps voice notes under user control. We don't use syncing as it: Invites App instability, bloat, exposes notes to hä*kers, requires internet connection, and consumes resources. Use "EZ Export" to Backup / Transfer all voice notes or groups of voice notes.
• Cybersecurity & online privacy of voice notes. EZ voice notes is an extremely non-invasive voice notes organizer. Only the Sketching function requires READ / WRITE permission to LOAD / SAVE notes. ✦ Cybersecurity experts prefer our voice notes organizer: - YouTube

❤ EZ voice notes is made in USA ❤
EZ Notes voice notes awards
EZ Notes Review
EZ Notes

✦ We provide outstanding support for EZ voice notes
✔ EZ voice notes built-in product help notes
✔ EZ voice notes benefits and advantages
✔ EZ voice notes Facebook Group

What's New:
Added support for Android 14.
Various internal improvements to make things even better.
Dropping support for Android Jelly Bean (4.1.x - 4.3.x) to comply with the latest policies.

Mod Info:
  • Ƥrem̋ı̣ꭎm Subscription / Paid features unlocked;
  • Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
  • Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
  • Debug c0d3 removed;
  • Remove default .source tags name of the corresponding java files;
  • Languages: Full Multi Languages;
  • CPUs: universal architecture;
  • Screen DPIs: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
  • Original package signature changed;
  • Release by Balatan.

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