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Stories NOVEL The Lone Immortal: Chapter 1 "The Blood of Immortals"

Chapter 1: The Blood of Immortals

The night sky over Neo-Earth was stained red, streaks of blood and fire illuminating the once-pristine skyline. The ground below was littered with bodies—some human, some… less human. Torn limbs and broken skulls decorated the streets like a grotesque battlefield. In the midst of the carnage, a lone figure stood tall, his coat flapping in the wind, his sword dripping with blood that sizzled and hissed on the pavement.
This was Timothy.
He was a middle-aged man—handsome, fit, and cold-blooded. Over ten billion years old, he had long since given up caring about things like "normal" human life or the fragile mortality of others. His black hair had streaks of silver, his sharp jawline was covered with a light stubble, and his dark eyes betrayed no emotion. He looked more like a tired office worker than the god-killing, invincible warrior he was.
Timothy sighed as he stepped over a beheaded corpse, the severed head rolling away, its lifeless eyes still wide with terror. "Why do they always aim for the head?" he muttered to himself, looking at the decapitated body. "You'd think they'd learn by now."
Behind him, a loud squelching sound echoed through the alleyway. He turned, his expression remaining cold as he saw a monstrous, multi-limbed creature—a Blood Reaper—dragging itself toward him. Its fleshy appendages slapped the ground, leaving a trail of black ichor behind it, while its jagged teeth clattered in a sickening rhythm.
"Just give it a rest already," Timothy groaned.
The Blood Reaper screeched, its hollow eyes burning with rage. Without a moment's hesitation, it lunged at Timothy, aiming to tear him limb from limb. Its claws, sharp as razors, came down on him with enough force to split a mountain in half.
But Timothy didn't move. He just yawned.
As the creature's claws slammed into him, there was a deafening *****. For a brief moment, the Blood Reaper thought it had won—that it had finally torn the invincible warrior apart. But then it realized the sound it heard wasn’t Timothy's bones breaking. It was its own.
Timothy glanced at the creature's shattered claws, then at the grotesque face of the Blood Reaper. "You done?" he asked, almost bored.
The creature's eyes widened in confusion. But before it could react, Timothy moved. With a speed faster than any mortal could perceive, he swung his sword, and the blade carved through the creature’s grotesque form like butter. Black blood splattered across the ground as the Blood Reaper’s head flew through the air, severed cleanly from its body. It hit the ground with a sickening thud, bouncing twice before coming to a stop at Timothy’s feet.
"Oops," he said, glancing down at the head. "Guess that answers that."

Timothy wiped the blood from his sword on his coat, the blade gleaming in the dim light. He looked at the pile of bodies scattered around him—humans, monsters, and even a few robotic carcasses. The scene was straight out of a nightmare: decapitated heads, dismembered limbs, and broken skulls littered the street, blood flowing like a river through the gutters.
"All this for what?" Timothy sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "A fight’s only fun when it’s challenging. These guys didn’t even get a hit in."
He started to walk away, his boots splashing through the pools of blood. The night was far from over, and he knew it. Neo-Earth had become a hunting ground for monsters from all corners of the multiverse, and lately, it seemed like everyone was out to test their strength against him.
Of course, none of them stood a chance.
As Timothy strolled through the carnage, his eyes caught a flicker of movement from the corner of a broken building. A man—barely alive—was crawling through the debris, leaving a trail of blood behind him. His face was half-crushed, his skull visibly *****ed from some earlier confrontation. He coughed, spitting out blood and broken teeth as he looked up at Timothy.
"Please... help me," the man rasped, his voice barely audible.
Timothy raised an eyebrow, his expression as indifferent as ever. "Help you? Why would I do that?"
The man groaned, struggling to speak. "You're... you're a hero, aren't you?"
Timothy snorted, an almost amused smile playing on his lips. "A hero? You must be new here."
Without another word, he walked past the dying man, ignoring his pleas for mercy. Behind him, the man let out one final gurgling breath before collapsing into the pool of his own blood, his broken skull caving in completely.

Just as Timothy was about to leave the blood-soaked alley, the ground began to tremble. He stopped, narrowing his eyes as the air around him grew thick with a malevolent energy. Something powerful—no, many powerful beings—were approaching.
"Great," Timothy muttered, turning around. "More idiots."
Out of the shadows, a group of Cultivators emerged. They were dressed in dark robes, their eyes glowing with sinister energy. Their leader, a towering figure with a long, twisted staff, stepped forward. His face was scarred, and his eyes burned with hatred.
"Timothy, the Invincible," the leader sneered. "We’ve come to end your reign of terror."
Timothy raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Reign of terror? I was just having dinner, you psychos."
The leader scowled, his grip tightening on his staff. "You've killed too many of our brethren. Tonight, we’ll make you pay with your blood!"
Timothy blinked slowly, clearly bored. "Uh-huh. I doubt it."
The Cultivators wasted no time. With a shout, they charged at Timothy, their weapons glowing with otherworldly power. They moved with supernatural speed, their blades aimed directly at his heart.
Timothy didn’t even flinch. With a casual flick of his wrist, his sword flashed through the air. The nearest Cultivator’s head flew clean off his shoulders, blood spraying like a fountain from his neck. His decapitated body stumbled forward a few steps before collapsing to the ground.
"Next," Timothy said nonchalantly.
Two more Cultivators came at him from both sides, their swords raised high. Timothy moved like a blur, dodging their strikes effortlessly. One of them swung wildly, aiming for his head, but Timothy sidestepped and slashed upward. His sword cleaved through the Cultivator’s chest, splitting him in half from the waist up. The upper half of the man's body tumbled to the ground in a mess of blood and organs.
The second Cultivator screamed in rage and lunged at Timothy with his blade. But Timothy caught the man’s wrist mid-swing, his grip like iron. With a cold smirk, Timothy twisted the man’s arm, snapping the bones with a sickening crunch. Before the Cultivator could even register the pain, Timothy drove his sword through the man's throat, blood gushing from the wound as the body crumpled lifelessly to the ground.

As the battle raged on, Timothy’s usual indifference gave way to amusement. The Cultivators kept coming, each one thinking they had a chance, each one dying in increasingly brutal ways. Severed heads rolled across the ground, limbs flew through the air, and blood splattered everywhere.
At one point, a particularly cocky Cultivator charged at him, screaming, "I WILL AVENGE MY BROTHERS!"
Timothy just raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Good luck with that."
The Cultivator swung his sword in a wide arc, but Timothy didn’t even bother to dodge. The blade bounced harmlessly off his chest, shattering into pieces.
The Cultivator blinked in confusion. "What the—?"
Before the man could react, Timothy grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground. "You really should’ve brought a better sword," he said casually before squeezing. There was a loud crunch as the Cultivator’s neck snapped, his head lolling to the side.
Timothy dropped the body without a second glance. "Next."

Just as the last Cultivator’s body hit the ground, the sky above began to ripple. Timothy glanced up, his eyes narrowing. He could feel the energy in the air shifting—something powerful was coming.
Within moments, a massive rift opened in the sky, and from it descended a colossal being. A Titan, easily three times the size of any skyscraper, its skin glowing with a molten energy. It landed with a deafening crash, the impact sending shockwaves through the city.
Timothy sighed, looking up at the Titan with mild irritation. "Great. A big one. Just what I needed."
The Titan’s booming voice echoed through the streets. "TIMOTHY. YOUR REIGN OF SLAUGHTER ENDS NOW."
Timothy looked around at the bodies littering the streets—heads, limbs

entrails—it was a gruesome tapestry of death and destruction. Timothy’s expression didn’t change. He was almost bored by the whole spectacle.
The Titan, towering over everything, let out another booming roar that shook the very ground beneath Timothy's feet. The creature’s eyes glowed with molten fire, and its fists were clenched tight, radiating raw energy. This wasn’t some random monster or Cultivator. This was something serious.
Timothy squinted up at the Titan, unimpressed. "Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. You guys really need some new lines. It's always 'rip this' and 'tear that.' Ever thought about just… I dunno, leaving me alone? No? Alright."
With a deep breath, Timothy *****ed his neck, the sound echoing through the streets. His sword, still dripping with blood, pulsed with energy. He gave the blade a casual twirl, the steel catching the faint light from the burning buildings.
The Titan took a massive step forward, its foot crashing down with the force of an earthquake. Buildings collapsed under the weight, debris raining down as the ground buckled and *****ed. Timothy didn’t flinch. Instead, he let out a long, tired sigh.
"Okay, big guy. Let’s get this over with."

The Titan wasted no time. Its giant fist came crashing down, aiming to obliterate Timothy in one strike. The air itself seemed to shatter under the force of the punch, the ground crumbling like dust as the massive appendage descended.
But just as the Titan’s fist was about to connect, Timothy vanished. A split second later, he reappeared on top of the Titan’s massive arm, casually strolling up its bicep as if he were on a leisurely walk.
The Titan, confused, roared in frustration, swinging its other arm to swat Timothy off. But once again, Timothy moved with lightning speed, effortlessly dodging the Titan’s clumsy attack.
"You know," Timothy said, his voice calm and almost mocking as he walked up the Titan’s arm, "for something so big, you’re kinda slow. Like, really slow."
The Titan howled in rage, swinging again, this time harder and faster. The sheer force of the movement caused a shockwave that obliterated several nearby buildings, but Timothy had already leapt onto the Titan’s shoulder, watching with mild amusement as the creature flailed beneath him.
"Here, let me show you how it’s done."
With a grin, Timothy jumped high into the air, his sword glowing with an ominous light. Time seemed to slow as he descended, his blade aimed directly for the Titan’s skull. With a deafening crash, Timothy drove his sword straight into the creature’s head, the blade slicing through its thick skull as if it were paper.
Blood—thick, molten, and burning—spewed from the wound, showering the streets below in a fiery rain. The Titan let out a deafening roar, its massive body shaking violently as it tried to shake Timothy off. But Timothy held firm, twisting the blade deeper into the creature’s skull, the sound of *****ing bone filling the air.
"Yeah, you’re definitely gonna feel that in the morning," Timothy quipped, wrenching the blade free and leaping back down to the ground.
The Titan staggered, blood pouring from the massive gash in its head. It was wounded, badly, but far from dead.

The Titan, now enraged beyond reason, let out a bellow that could shatter mountains. Its molten eyes flared as it summoned an inferno of energy around its body. The air rippled with heat, and flames began to swirl around its fists, transforming the creature into a living furnace.
With a violent swing, the Titan brought both of its fiery fists crashing down onto the city below, aiming to annihilate everything in its path. The resulting explosion was cataclysmic. Entire city blocks were vaporized in an instant, buildings disintegrating into ash, and the streets themselves were reduced to molten slag.
But even in the middle of this apocalyptic scene, Timothy remained untouched. He stood calmly in the middle of the destruction, a barrier of energy shimmering around him, protecting him from the searing heat and molten debris raining from the sky.
"You done?" Timothy asked, his voice laced with sarcasm. "I’ve got a dinner reservation, so if you could speed this up, that’d be great."
The Titan’s molten form *****led with rage. It lunged at Timothy, swinging its massive arms in a frenzied assault. Each strike was fast and powerful, creating shockwaves that rippled through the atmosphere, but Timothy dodged each one with ease, moving faster than the eye could follow.
At one point, the Titan managed to land a hit—or so it thought. Its fiery fist slammed into Timothy with enough force to flatten a skyscraper, sending a plume of dust and smoke into the air. For a moment, everything was still.
But when the smoke cleared, Timothy was standing there, completely unharmed, casually brushing dust off his coat.
"Wow," Timothy said, smirking. "That was… cute."

Timothy, now bored of the fight, decided to end it. He raised his sword, and with a flick of his wrist, it began to glow with a terrifying intensity. The very air around him seemed to vibrate with energy, and the sky above began to darken as storm clouds gathered, *****ling with lightning.
The Titan, sensing the overwhelming power radiating from Timothy, took a step back. But it was too late.
In one swift motion, Timothy swung his sword down. The blade, now charged with an unimaginable amount of energy, sliced through the Titan’s body like it was nothing. There was no time for the creature to react. In the blink of an eye, the Titan was split clean in half, from its head down to its feet.
Blood—thick, black, and boiling—poured from the bisected body, flooding the streets in a tidal wave of gore. The Titan’s two halves collapsed with a deafening crash, its molten innards spilling out like a river of fire, incinerating everything in its path.
Timothy landed gracefully on top of one of the Titan’s severed legs, looking down at the carnage below.
"Well, that was anticlimactic," he muttered, wiping his sword clean on the Titan’s still-burning flesh. "Honestly, I expected more from something that big."
He glanced at the nearby corpses—the cultists, the monsters, the random people who got caught in the crossfire. It was a mess of mangled bodies, severed heads, and broken limbs. The streets ran red with blood, organs splattered across the ground like a butcher’s shop gone wrong.
Timothy sighed. "This is why I prefer sushi."

As Timothy walked away from the wreckage of the Titan, the ground beneath his feet still sizzling from the battle, a familiar figure appeared beside him. It was Iris, one of the few people Timothy tolerated. She was a cultivator, a master swordswoman, and—unlike most people in Neo-Earth—she wasn’t completely useless.
"That was… intense," Iris said, glancing back at the wreckage. "You sure know how to make a mess."
Timothy shrugged. "They started it."
Iris shook her head, a smirk playing on her lips. "One day, you’re gonna find an opponent who can actually kill you."
"Unlikely," Timothy replied, deadpan. "But hey, a guy can dream."
As they walked through the ruined streets, stepping over bodies and puddles of blood, Timothy couldn’t help but chuckle. The carnage, the death, the destruction—it was all just part of the job. And as much as he acted indifferent, deep down, he loved it.
"Come on," Iris said, nudging him with her elbow. "Let’s get some ramen. You’ve earned it."
Timothy grinned. "Now you’re talking."
Together, they walked off into the night, leaving behind a trail of blood and bodies, the aftermath of yet another day in the life of Timothy, the cold-blooded, invincible warrior.
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