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Info Netizion Currency - Shekels (₪) - Everything you need to know | Discussions


𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘀 𝗔𝗱𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿
Staff member
Jul 7, 2019

The Shekels (₪) is a digital currency exclusively utilized within the Netizion online community for transactions, purchases and privileges.

What are shekels used for?
This can be used to purchase any item available in the shop, to send as gift, to create thread, and more.

When are shekels needed?

You replied to a thread
- 1 to 3 Shekels will be added to your account randomly.
- Only the first 10 posts with 3+ words will be counted daily.

Creating Thread
- 5 shekels will be deducted from your account as an investment when creating thread. You can earn more shekels by receiving positive reactions to your thread, so make sure it provides value to the community.
- You cannot create thread if you have less than 5 shekels. Also if your thread has less than 10 words.
Tips: Add tag to your thread to have a change to earn 0 to 2 shekels.

Someone reacted to your content
- 1 shekels will be added to your account if someone reacted (y) and 🤣,
While 2 shekels for 😍 and 😲 reaction.
☹️ reaction is neutral.
- 2 Shekels will be deducted to your account if someone reacted 😡.
- The first 10 reactions will count in 24hrs per user to lessen abuse or cheating.

You react to someone else's content
- 1 shekel will be deducted to your account whenever you react (y)😍 🤣😲☹️😡.

Someone replied to your thread
- 1 Shekel will be added to your account whenever someone replied to your created thread.
- 100 shekels maximum in 24hrs, no alerts and doesn't show in transaction log.

Charge content
-This allows you to charge user to view your hidden content on thread or replies.
- Minimum of 1 shekel to maximum of 50 shekels.
- Limited to 500 shekels earning everyday to lessen abuse or cheating.

Report a content
- 2 Shekels added to your account if you report a content while 5 shekels will be deducted to the owner of the content you report.
- Limited to 2 reports per user within 24hrs.

- Manipulate currency of someone else, use for some glitch, refund, or bugs. Strictly done by responsible and trustworthy staff.

Other events
Redeem - Using a redemption c0d3.
Donate - Transfer shekels to another user, 20k maximum
Logged in today + 1 Shekels

Uploaded avatar +5 Shekels
Birthday +10 shekels

OTHER WAY TO EARN SHEKELS! - STEAL FROM OTHER USERS CHECK For complain and feedback, you can either:
Reply here
Create thread at Suggestions & Feedback
or PM me.
Last updated ⬇️
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