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Info New Feature: Hide your content [You must reply/react to see content]

Now you have the ability to hide your content to avoid hit and run!

Hide Reply: User must reply to the thread to see the content
Just click the hide icon>hide reply and type the hidden content
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[Hidden content]

Hide Reactions:
User must react to see the content
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[Hidden content]

More features coming soon... stay tuned!
Thanks po sa tips
Now you have the ability to hide your content to avoid hit and run!

Hide Reply: User must reply to the thread to see the content
Just click the hide icon>hide reply and type the hidden content
View attachment 176

[Hidden content]

Hide Reactions:
User must react to see the content
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[Hidden c

Now you have the ability to hide your content to avoid hit and run!

Hide Reply: User must reply to the thread to see the content
Just click the hide icon>hide reply and type the hidden content
View attachment 176

[Hidden content]

Hide Reactions:
User must react to see the content
View attachment 177
[Hidden content]

More features coming soon... stay tuned!
Salamat sa tips master
sir @barista di po ako makagawa ng thread paayos po ng account ko salamat po
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