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Download Quick and Easy Web Builder 8.5 with Key Lifetime


Certified Netizen
Jan 31, 2024
𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗍 𝖲𝖼𝗈𝗋𝖾

Quick ‘n Easy Web Builder is a professional, practical and excellent web design software using drag and drop. The software can generate HTML code for you and let you place different objects anywhere on your website. This tool is very useful for both beginners and professional designers/developers. Let’s get it now!​


Main Features​

Feature Highlights​

  • Drag and drop objects from the toolbox on the page,​

  • Easily add, edit, clone, and structure your web pages from a single file,​

  • Form layout object to create forms, including actions, hidden fields, etc,​

  • Supports Form fields: Editbox, TextArea, checkbox, radiobutton, combobox, and button,​

  • Responsive Web Design based on CSS3 media queries,​

  • Layout grids, flexbox, and CSS grid to quickly create flexible and responsive layouts,​

  • CSS3 animations and transitions with support for transforms (skew, rotate, scale, translate, etc),​

  • Support for third-party add-ons (extensions), using the Web Builder Extension Builder.​

Download Link

don't forget to LIKE mga idols!!
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Wala kababng Direct link dyan boss? hirap idownload nito may ads
pa try po nito ser
salamat po
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